Thank you for expressing an interest in becoming a member of the Granbury Chamber of Commerce Ambassador Committee. Vacancies are filled twice a year in the spring and in the fall. The Membership & Events Director will contact you upon the receipt of this application with additional information and a request for an interview.
“The Granbury Chamber of Commerce Ambassador Committee members serve as public relations and goodwill representatives for the Chamber. Ambassadors make membership goodwill calls, welcome new businesses and new members, help recruit new members to the Chamber, and represent the Chamber throughout the community.”
The Ambassadors are a standing committee of the Granbury Chamber of Commerce, Inc. and all actions taken by the committee are subject to approval by the Chairman of the Board of the Granbury Chamber. The General Manager & Events Director are responsible for administering the Chamber Ambassador Program.
a. Application to be an Ambassador will be made through the General Manager in coordination with the Ambassador Committee Chairman. The target membership level is 50 active Ambassadors.
b. An Ambassador must be a member or be employed by a member in good standing of the Granbury Chamber of Commerce. An Ambassador should, if applicable, have the formal endorsement and support of his/her employer or supervisor. No more than two employees/members from one specific company may be Ambassadors.
c. Ambassadors meet the third Tuesday of each month at 12:00 pm at the different locations in the community. This is a “bring your own lunch” meeting. Attendance is expected.
d. The Chamber provides one official name badge. Replacement badges are at the Ambassador’s expense of $20. Please wear your Chamber name tag at all official Chamber events.
e. Ambassadors serve as hosts at monthly Chamber events, such as luncheons and mixers, and are encouraged to bring prospective members to events when opportunities come up.
f. Ambassadors are encouraged to purchase the Ambassador Vest for our ribbon-cutting events. It is asked that you cover half the cost of the vests. Name tags are provided free of charge.
a. To welcome new members by way of personal contact
b. To attend ribbon cuttings and groundbreakings
c. To meet and greet at monthly Chamber meetings and other events
d. To assist with membership development, retention activities, and events
a. Ambassadors will be well groomed, dressed in appropriate attire, and wearing nametags.
b. Ambassadors should attempt to arrive ten minutes before the ribbon-cutting event. When lunch or refreshments are provided, please make every effort to remain an appropriate amount of time to appreciate the efforts of the host.
c. Ambassadors will conduct themselves appropriately and be cognizant of the fact that the ribbon cutting is meant to emphasize the new or reopened business and not the Ambassadors themselves. Ambassadors will not promote their own business interests at ribbon cuttings or events other than through business card handouts & introductions.
a. Ambassadors will make a minimum one-year commitment to the committee.
b. Ambassadors will attend NO LESS than 50 percent of ribbon cuttings and Chamber events each month. Ambassadors failing to meet the required attendance will be asked to resign. Extended “excused absences” may be obtained by contacting the General Manager.
c. Every effort will be made to schedule ribbon cuttings on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday at 11:30 am or 4:00 pm. However, the Chamber may accommodate member requests outside of these times as considered necessary by the General Manager.
d. Ambassadors will welcome new members each month through personal or phone contact as coordinated by the General Manager and committee chair.
e. New Ambassadors are required to attend an Ambassador Orientation Meeting in order to become better acquainted with the Chamber mission.
a. Ambassador of the Year is chosen by the committee based on attendance at functions, and overall membership service. The award will be presented at the Chamber’s annual banquet or other appropriate event.
a. The Chamber Board will appoint the committee chair each December for the following fiscal year based on nominations from the committee and the General Manager. Selection is based on participation and leadership abilities demonstrated.
b. The committee chair will attend and conduct monthly Ambassador Meetings, ribbon cuttings, and other designated functions.
c. The chair will assure committee participation in every event.
d. The chair will work with the Chamber Board, membership committee, and Chamber Staff to assist as needed.
a. The committee will select the vice chair each December for the following fiscal year based on nominations from the committee. Selection is based on participation and leadership abilities demonstrated.
b. The vice chair will attend monthly Ambassador meetings, ribbon cuttings, and other designated functions.
c. The vice chair will serve as committee chair in the chair’s absence and will assume the role of committee chair should the chair be unable to fulfill his or her term.